What does it look like when sex workers return to their night jobs in a post COVID-19 Lockdown? The answer to that is clean, clean, clean.

No kissing is allowed according to an article we found in Business Insider Australia, but neither do the sex workers have to wear masks.

It’s all about clean surfaces and disinfectant.

Amsterdam’s red-light district has re-opened to the public again after the COVID-19 cases have declined significantly, bringing that date forward to July when previously it was set at September.

Most important, sex workers are not intending to treat customers with flu-like symptoms, and all surfaces will be wiped down between appointments.

For sex workers and brothel owners, none of these restrictions are too worrisome, as they were in the habit of this level of hygiene, anyway.

We like that.

Here is an article in Business Insider Australia that goes into more detail. As usual, we have no affiliation.

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