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Visit to the doctor

Lauren never imagined that a simple suggestion from her best friend would plunge her into an unending torrent of insatiable desire!

All For Nun

Are you a connoisseur of erotic fiction with a taste for the transgressive?Then Look No Further!

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All For Nun

Sister Melanie is rebellious

Going against the purity and chastity of the nuns around her.

Seeking recovery from her impure thoughts, she turns to the convent for salvation.

Father Leonardo subjects Sister Melanie to a cleansing ritual designed to have her relinquish the right to female pleasure.


Sister Melanie finds her cure enjoyable

Father Leonardo is forced to enlist the assistance of his fellow priests and increase the sensual punishments.

More Steamy Encounters, More Sounds of Ragged Breathing

Moans of pleasure fill the pages

Blending together in a symphony of ecstasy

In the name of God, they swear, they are only trying to cure her!

Visit to the doctor

When a routine visit to the doctor gives our heroine uncontrollable surges of desire, she finds herself in a whirlwind of sexy and hilarious misadventures.

In “Visit to the Doctor,” we’re treated to a funky journey into the realms of deceit, retribution and sexy cravings. After the heroine discovers that her overwhelming lust is the result of a drug she got from her trusted doctor, she begins her quest for revenge. And what better way to get it than by giving the doctor a taste of his own medicine?

The Doctor must be beaten in this lascivious game that he plays with many unsuspecting women. And so, the recipient of the drug and her newfound allies embark on a road trip to get to him.

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