Masturbating Women have better Sex

A recent study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine has found a link between women masturbating and their ability to orgasm during sex with their partners.

This means it’s good for women to masturbate. It’s a sign of maturity for a woman to masturbate.

It’s all about sexual health.

Orgasm Gap is mostly Straight Women

Let’s be clear, this whole ‘orgasm gap’ is mostly about straight women.

While there is an orgasm gap in the queer community, this is a complication they sorted out decades ago.

The currently-famous ‘orgasm gap’ is mostly a straight couple thing.

Study shows Masturbating Women Achieve Orgasm Easier

Having said that, when women do have some difficulty reaching orgasm, this study suggests masturbation can help.

The study is important because it has been suggested that masturbation in women can hinder the process to orgasm for women.

It also included the findings that most of the women who masturbate report doing so through clitoral stimulation.

Whether women use clitoral stimulation, vaginal or both, they were likely to use the same stimulation in sex with a partner.

You can read an article about the paper here.

You can go to The Journal of Sexual Medicine here.


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