We found a nice little article written by David J. Ley Ph.D. that engages in a study relating to erectile dysfunction and pornography.

Even though this article is not pro-porn, we like anything that dispels any of the myths that abound on the internet surrounding porn and masturbation. But even more than dispelling myths, we like to examine facts. We don’t want anyone to be hurt by pornography or anything else, but chain arguments are dangerous and can create “logic” leaps that hurt more people than they purport to save.

Enjoy the article and if you have these sorts of complications in your life we wish you good information, good counsel, and a healthy, happy sex life.

We are not affiliated with Psychology Today, the writer of the article or the research groups. We just liked it and wanted to share it around.

We don't run affiliate programs. When we link, it is to share the content we like.