Keeping the romance and happiness alive in sexual partnerships has been a challenge for many couples during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown period. While we saw outbursts of creativity in the early days, it now emerges people are struggling with seeing their partner day in and day out.

We found this nice little article in the East Bay Times that we thought was particularly helpful.

Marty Klein, a Palo Alto based sex and marriage family therapist offers some great advice to couples seeking to get on better in trying lockdown weeks.

What we particularly liked were his comments regarding how to speak about sexual dissatisfaction. He suggests chatting while you’re making dinner or cleaning the laundry rather than giving feedback during sex itself. We thought this was a simple but very effective way to relieve an important conversation from becoming an ego punishing exercise.

You can read the full article here.

We are not affiliated with the East Bay Times or Marty Klein in any way. We just found this article and thought it was neat.

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