We here at AJAX Books have been a little obsessed with the Autoblow in the last couple of weeks.

One of the glorious things we found in our perpetual journey was the white paper produced that focused on the analysis of the hand movements people with penises made while masturbating.

In the introduction to the paper, they made a claim that this style of analysis had never been done before, and we can’t help but agree with this. We found the paper so interesting; we thought it was worth a post on our blog.

To quote the intro to the intro:

“In this work, we seek to quantify the “common” or “typical” movements involved in oral sex performed on males. To do so, we analyze a dataset containing over 108 hours of pornographic video, annotated at each frame with the position of the lips along the shaft of the penis. We use quantization techniques to discover sixteen distinct motions and using these motions we design and evaluate a system that procedurally generates realistic movement sequences using deep learning. We quantitatively show that this system is superior to simple Markov Chain techniques.


To our knowledge, this kind of analysis of pornographic content has never been done before. Results from this analysis lay the ground for future research.”

Thank you to the group for conducting this research.

If you want to read the full paper, check it out here.

AJAX Books are not affiliated with the Autoblow in any way. We just really like this product and its makers and wanted to let you know.

We don't run affiliate programs. When we link, it is to share the content we like.