Masturbation is more than just a naughty thing for sixteen-year-old boys to do behind their parents back. It’s emerging as an essential component of a good sexual education and a good sense of self-worth.

There have been many studies done over the years that have revealed the soothing and relaxing effects of an orgasm. More than ever before, researchers are convinced the orgasm before sleep encourages and assists with a good nights sleep.

Men claim to have better sleep than women after sex, but with all that we are starting to learn about what goes on in the bedroom, it is now presumed straight women aren’t getting the all-important orgasm during sex that will help them with a good night’s sleep.

This is another place that masturbation can help. If you don’t have an orgasm with your partner, perhaps he won’t mind if you make one happen yourself when it’s over. He might be able to learn a trick or two from you.

Of course, there are women who don’t have partners to consider also. Orgasming just before bed is a wonderful way to reach relaxation and have yourself a good night’s sleep.

According to the female-focused sex toy brand Femme Funn, 95% of people have a better night’s sleep after an orgasm.

Give it a go. And try one of our books to help get you to your happy place.

You can hop into the Femme Funn website here. Or you can read more about these studies here.

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