Massage porn became the surprise hit a few years back. It is still a favourite for both men and women.

Massage is a great way to get your partner in the mood. It’s also a great way to spend a little quality time outside of the regular routine. A good idea would be to plan two massages. Each gets a turn at being the masseuse.

Here are a couple of tips to ensure massage time with your partner always has a happy ending.

  1. Make sure room temperature is right. You have to be comfortable naked.
  2. Create a makeshift massage bed. Mattress on the floor or better still, a mattress on the dining table.
  3. Lots of oil. Make sure you have towels and covers to protect your objects, while being able to use lots of oil.
  4. Follow a crash massage course online. YouTube, Udemy and the like. Take the course together first, then do the sexy-thang.
  5. Watch and read some massage porn. Work out how to get the hands into the right area with slow sensual play.
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