In New York City, a release of guidelines to make our COVID-19 re-emergence safer, has produced some interesting guidelines. They released an official document with some interesting guidelines.

Among the guidelines we’d expect were some that took us by surprise:

  • Make it a little kinky. Be creative with sexual positions and physical barriers, like walls, that allow sexual contact while preventing close face to face contact.
  • Masturbate together. Use physical distance and face coverings to reduce the risk.

Skip kissing and rimming as both could spread the virus:

  • Kissing can easily pass the virus. Avoid kissing anyone who is not part of your small circle of close contacts.
  • Rimming (mouth on anus) might spread the virus. Virus in faeces may enter your mouth and could lead to infection


Check out the full paper here.


(AJAX Books are not affiliated with NYC department of health in any way, we just thought this was neat.)

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