It’s no secret that we’re all watching more porn during lockdown. Ideas about why we might be doing this range from ‘Cabin fever’ and more time on our hands to fear and lack of control during Coronavirus Anxiety.

What is interesting is the hours in which all this has changed.

Male porn traffic has increased just over twelve percent. In the below chart we can see the increase in traffic by country for both men and women. Interesting to note men have increased their porn traffic at after 1pm each day. They seem to be hitting the keyboard one-handed just after lunch. For the rest of the afternoon, they show a decrease.

Of those ‘using’ during this time, it’s the millennial males who are hitting the sites in the wee small hours while the over 35 group reveal a significant drop around 6pm and 8pm but there is an 11% spike in this age bracket at 7pm.

While it might be easy to understand why there is a spike in usage, its harder to understand why so many men more men might be turning to the porn at 7pm while the same age group showed a distinct drop in the hours either side.

End of the work day? An hour of allocated alone time?


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