Erotica is often an enjoyable form of pornography for women. No threatening images to make them insecure about their bodies, no physical women competing for their mates attention. Porn can be frightening for women.

Or, she can be stimulated to try things, open up about ideas, and examine her own likes and dislikes.

It’s a question of pace and perspective. Pornography she can read gives her more control over the images in her head and greater access to what actually turns her on.

Start (or enhance) the journey with a book.

Start with an AJAX book.

White Flesh, Black Market is the first of many books we have for sale. It’s a great place to start if you don’t like the porn image.

Some articles about positive porn use between couples:

Watching Porn Together:

 “It’s fun sharing each other’s fantasies and talking dirty about what gets us turned on. Porn solo is just a ‘get it done quick’ release. But porn with my husband is more of a sexual adventure. It steps up the foreplay and the dirty talk. Plus it can be fun finding something new and exciting to enjoy together. There’s something intimate about sharing that vulnerable side with each other.” [via] Cosmopolitan.

“Couples like Carly and Andrew are living proof of a point some sex activists have pushed for years: that happy couples can watch porn — and, in fact, benefit from it.

That’s good news, considering how many people love erotica. In 2017, a Gallup poll found that 43 percent of Americans found watching porn to be morally acceptable — up from 36 percent in 2016. And people aren’t just watching these sexy flicks alone, either: xHamster, a porn site, found that 20 percent of its viewers were watching porn with a partner in 2017.” NY Post.

” Participants viewing both the erotic and exciting films reported equivalent increases in excitement; however, the erotic film was rated as slightly more generally arousing and increased participant’s desire to be close to their partner. ” Archives of Sexual Behaviour.